I can’t remember much about being 10, if I’m honest. It all seems to be a colourful blur of friends, family and the horrendous workload of Primary 6. But I can remember drama – vividly. I started First Bite that year, stepping into a world that has occupied my Thursday evenings to this very day.

I still remember clearly the day I was given the part of a commentator at a sheep trial (we were performing Babe; the sheep-pig) as it’s previous owner had decided to prioritise Water Polo over drama (the very notion!). The feeling of getting all those lines out in the right order at the right time (though maybe not necessarily at the right speed) is one that I have never forgotten. That play, and the five that have followed it, have a special place in my memory, right beside the very special people who made it all possible. In my opinion, there is no better way to make friends with someone than being a silent and devastatingly dashing sheep rustler alongside them, or being in the same pulsating beast blob.

It has been an absolute joy to me over the years, and I look forward to my last few plays with an excitement unmatched by anything I’ve done before. Happy Birthday, First Bite!

Dan Williams (2014 ->)