For the five years I was part of FBYT, Thursdays were my favourite day of the week by far. I loved the shows, I loved seeing my friends in the group, and I loved working with the wonderful Rebecca Kilbey.

I remember so many things so clearly, even now! In Arabian Nights, being amazed at how the cast could create the scenery together: moving mountains, buildings, furniture, all without any set! Trying to synchronise following the flight path of a cow in The Yarn with the rest of the cast. Stabbing my Uncle/Step-father Ally (this show was messed up!) in Agamemnon and being mothered by my best friend Eilish! Trying to keep a straight face while the hilarious Jack Capener appeared out of a cot asking for whisky in Tall Tales. Rehearsing and rewriting that dark scene from EoM with the awesome Anna Hyde.

Everyone in my time of FBYT could get a mention – I have fantastic memories with all of you, and if you are reading this you know what they are! The most stand out memories and lessons have to come from Rebecca: through the Seniors, through the privilege of helping with the Juniors and all the conversations we had I learned more than I ever thought I could from any after school activity; lessons and memories I take forward to this day.

Thank you, Rebecca, and thank you to everyone who made FBYT what it was to me! Happy 25th Birthday!”

Matthew Dryden (2008 – 2013)