One of my earliest memories of First Bite was in one of my first ever sessions  with Junior Youth Theatre. I’d done drama classes before, but never an actual youth theatre, and had no idea what to expect. We read through the piece we were doing and I was assigned one of the largest roles in the play, at least that’s what it felt like to me. I was terrified. A massive responsibility had been thrust upon me, and it was like nothing I’d ever tackled before. But I was determined to do it right, and by the end of the year, I was completely infatuated: with the play, the people, the atmosphere, everything. Thursdays quickly became my favourite day because I’d get to go to drama afterwards.

Fast forwards 10 (there’s no way that’s the real number…) years, to the the night of my final First Bite play. That same terrified feeling sat in my stomach, but for completely different reasons. This was no longer a responsibility put upon me, I had created it, along with everyone else in the group. My baby, my child, my creation was being performed and I wanted it to be as beautiful as it always had been in my head (and trust me it truly was beautiful).

The plays have all been fantastic, but as clichéd as it sounds, what’s really going to stick with me is the journey getting there. Along the way I have learned so much about so many things, learned so much about myself, and met so many truly fantastic people. It’s sad to think my journey is coming to an end, but I know I’ll be back, sitting in that audience, a new terror sitting my stomach, hoping everything goes well, because I know first hand just how much work all the brilliant people on stage in front of me have put in.

Thursdays are no longer my favourite day, because drama is no longer something I go to, it’s a part of me, a part of my life, and it always will be.

Jake Lawrence (2009 – 2019)