I was part of First Bite for about 4 years, from around the age of 14 to my final year in high school. Having been part of other youth drama groups, First Bite was a refreshing change. It was such a welcoming, accepting atmosphere where everyone could contribute and build their confidence. It enabled me to get a good sense of each part of the theatre experience, from acting to set design, prop building to costume sourcing, publicity to stage management. While I enjoyed the experience of creating a play as a group, I most enjoyed acting in established plays such as The Crucible and Toad of Toad Hall, and the fantastical Role Plays that Rebecca developed for us at the end of terms. I really remember those Role Plays as being the best thing ever (but I’m sure an absolute nightmare for you to create!). It gave me many skills that I still use in my day to day life, especially confidence when presenting and in interviews. Xx

Ps – remember that time Rosanna and I managed to get ourselves locked in the church after a rehearsal!

Lizzie Brotherston (2002-2007)